Christianity Yesterday Suggests Tyranny Tomorrow


In Letters to Malcolm, C.S. Lewis wrote, “You can’t think straight unless you are cool. But then neither can you think deep if you are. I suppose one must try every problem in both states. You remember that the ancient Persians debated everything twice: when they were drunk and once when they were sober.” 1

When my son called me to ask me, “Dad, did you see that Christianity Today came out for the impeachment of President Trump?”, I was silent. Then I blurted out, “Are you sure? Why would they do that?” My son asked me to read it and then get back to him since he had some “liberal Christians” (at least that is what he called them) asking him about it. “They seemed to be thrilled that finally Evangelicals, at least those who remain, have come around.”, he added.

My first reading of Mark Galli’s editorial was after two glasses of very fine red wine. I had finished my entrée and was enjoying the chocolate gelato when my first response hit me, “It seems strange that evangelicalism’s most important publication was piling on after the feckless Democrats had violated Trump’s constitutional rights for entirely political reasons. They could not name an actual crime, they had no evidence, and their case was so bad it was DOA in the Senate. I heard distant voices crying out, ‘Crucify him, crucify him.’  This wasn’t an act of courage by Christianity Today, it was easy and without cost. All the dirty work has been done by politicians that are no more righteous than Donald J. Trump.”

This morning, like any good Persian, being of very sober mind and as prayerful as Nancy Pelosi, I am taking a second look at the problem. The headline on the editorial is Trump Should Be Removed from Office. And then what happens, might I ask? There is no doubt that Mike Pence is clearly a Christian. That doesn’t mean he would make a good President. If the argument is that any democrat is more moral or more Christian than Trump, it is a losing argument for whomever makes it. I didn’t vote for Donald Trump. There was much about him that repulsed me. He seemed to be suspended in perpetual adolescence. On the other hand, he is seventy-three years old and is one tough SOB.

Who sent him to Washington? Some say God did; that he is anointed. Others, who serve the same God, propose the exact opposite. The more refined and nuanced republican Christians like to point out that he doesn’t repent, reflect, or apologize, and he is rude, brutish, and crosses acceptable bounds of human decorum. I think they are right about that. He has been, and continues to be, all those things. That doesn’t mean he has no good qualities though. He has great hair. I would say the Presidential barber is earning his paycheck these days. I know he is a tough pill to swallow for many of us, but I must say, I find myself quite pleased with the work he has done. He has stood up to destructive leftism that threatens to destroy western civilization and our way of life. He has labeled the press as dishonest, and the news they create as fake. It is clear, apart from Fox News, that the New York Times, the Washington Post, NBC, CBS, ABC, and NPR are the same thing as the democratic party. It doesn’t matter if you are listening to Chuck Todd on Meet the Press (a former news program), the evening news on CBS, or a strident democratic senator, it’s all the same narrative. What Trump has done is what no president has ever done before - he called them out, he called BS on them, and they don’t like it.

He has stood strong for religious liberty, the right to life, and following the rule of law regarding immigration. Critics point out his history on these issues and call him a hypocrite. It may be that he has changed his mind, or is even doing what is politically expedient, but I don’t really care what is in his heart of hearts. I just know what he does and who he supports. Then there is the economy. While this is great news for almost every American, it is not the most important part of his success. He has been a strong advocate for Israel, and most importantly, he has stemmed the secular tide that threatens to destroy the family, the church, and the key institutions that keep America free, such as the military.

Donald Trump went to Washington DC to tell them what we think of the job they have been doing. Millions wanted him to throw a few sticks of dynamite into the swamp and see what happens. He has done that and continues to do so. He has stopped progressivism in it tracks. A socialistic secularism that promises a dystopian world where the first amendment gets amended, the second amendment is nuanced so I can only own a squirt gun, and sexuality is redefined, confusing children and old guys like me (who still feel guilty using the ladies room at restaurants).  Reality has its own voice, and Trump is more often than not acknowledging what is real (when he isn’t distracted by Rosie O’Donnell).

Progressive leftism has been eating away at the Judeo-Christian foundation of our country for sixty years. The only person standing in the way, as of this ideology taking us over a cliff into an abyss of spiritual darkness, is Donald J. Trump. He is the enemy of my enemy. The enemy is not classic liberalism, it is leftism. And leftism always ends in tyranny. 100 million dead bodies left in its 20th century wake is proof enough. I’m so mad about the sham impeachment that if the big orange monster grows two heads, I will vote for him twice.

1 C.S. Lewis, Letters to Malcolm, Harper One, page 61.





Bill Hull