Our friends at Nexus Church Planting & Leadership share how The Bonhoeffer Project has impacted their ministry.


The Bonhoeffer Project is a holistic journey into the heart and process of disciple-making. It is not a ‘quick fix’ or ‘silver bullet’ for disciple-making in the local church, but a process of discovery and re-discovery of Jesus’ Great Commission.
— Dr. Jim Thomas, Fayetteville First Baptist Church

The Bonhoeffer Project is one of the most important training projects in the evangelical world.
— Dr. Bobby Harrington, founder of Discipleship.org

The Bonhoeffer Project offers practical insight into launching a movement of disciple makers.
— Denny Heiberg, TMS Global

I wanted to find someone who wasn’t selling the next silver bullet, but instead was thinking of how do we make disciples day in and day out. The Bonhoeffer project has helped me, together with other leaders, think about how God designed us to be a disciple-maker, creating the space for God to work. One of the most life altering things I have done in over 30 years of ministry. How can God be this good?
— Edd Spurlock, Associate Pastor of Missions and Growth at First Baptist Church, Benton, Arkansas

The Bonhoeffer Project brings the clarity the Church needs in the face of change
— John Blue, founder of Mission O.C.

This project enables pastors to create a tailored plan for their setting and finally gain some ground on the making of disciples.
— Sam Barber, Lead Pastor at Central Church of the Nazarene

As you know I attended the National Discipleship Conference in Nashville this past November. It proved to be an extremely catalytic event in my quest to figure out why the American church is so ineffective in its discipleship. The Bonhoeffer Project (TBP), the particular track I attended, proved to be especially helpful in answering many of the questions I’ve wrestled with for years. While I’m indebted to many for their helpful insights on discipleship, I would say that TBP is the most comprehensive and coherent resource I’ve come across.
— Hollis Haff, Pastor of Discipleship at New Comunity Church, Wexford, PA

I have, for years, sensed that I was missing the full scope of the Great Commission.
Recently, The Bonhoeffer Project has helped me to see the difference between the ‘forgiveness-only Gospel’ and the ‘discipleship Gospel.’ This has, in many ways, transformed my ministry!
— Major Phil Kramer, Lead Pastor, Crossroads Chapel and Brigade Chaplain, Airborne & Ranger Training Brigade, Fort Benning, Georgia

I have been in full time pastoral ministry for 23 years and have always been involved in relational discipleship. There is a tremendous need in churches today to counter the discipleship crisis in the local church and create a more discipleship centered culture among the congregation. The Bonhoeffer Project offers a complete road map to developing this culture in the local church. After encountering The Bonhoeffer Project, I have a much more informed and complete picture of what biblical discipleship is all about. I have deeply appreciated the commitment The Bonhoeffer Project has to developing a theology of discipleship and to answering the “Why?” questions before answering the “What?” questions. It has changed my thought process and approach to discipleship. I look forward to seeing how God will use The Bonhoeffer Project in calling churches back to biblical discipleship.
— Waring Porter, Senior Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Corinth, Mississippi

Our Bonhoeffer Project cohort is a blessing. In the process of designing a discipleship strategy that encourages obedience for all who claim Christ as Lord, our group has grown in our understanding of the biblical mandate to make disciples who make disciples. The assignments are strategic, challenging, and actionable. While our churches will benefit from our efforts, we find great support within our cohort as we pray for one another, encourage one another, and grow through this process together.
— Wes Gardner, Associate Pastor of Music and Discipleship, Kiokee Baptist Church, Appling, Georgia

The Bonhoeffer Project is an exhilarating experience that God has used to scripturally articulate discipleship and following Jesus. The monthly projects are practical and integrate into the way I see the role of my church and engage my community. My cohort leader is an excellent and enthusiastic facilitator. The relationships I’ve developed in my Cohort are stimulating, meaningful, refreshing, transparent and to be honest- they’re fun and a great source of encouragement. The Bonhoeffer Project unpacks the necessity and joy of living and loving like Jesus.
— Gregg Parker, Youth House Ministries, Student Ministries. First Presbyterian Church, Corinth, Mississippi

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