Disciple-Making Books
The Christian Leader
Bill Hull
This books is a call to Christian leaders to let go of their addiction to secular models of leadership rooted in pragmatic success.
Conversion and Discipleship
Bill hull
This book shows why our existing models of evangelism and discipleship fail to actually produce followers of Jesus.
The Discipleship Gospel
Bill Hull and Ben Sobels
The Discipleship Gospel challenges the church today with a fresh reading of Jesus’ gospel—one that we must learn to preach again.
The False Promise of Discipleship
Bill Hull and Brandon Cook
This book gives you the nuts and bolts of The Bonhoeffer Project from the co-founders. You can purchase a hard copy or download a free PDF.
Learning To Live And Love Like Jesus
Brandon Cook
This book is a downstream resource to to help develop Christ likeness.
The Discipleship Gospel Workbook
Ben Sobels& Bill Hull
A succinct and accessible study of Mark's Gospel to jump-start the disciple making process.
The Cost of Cheap Grace
Bill Hull and Brandon Cook
The Cost of Cheap Grace is a compelling vision for discipleship as the basis of the gospel in all its world-changing, subversive power.