Develop a Well-Ordered Life


We believe the tips below about a well-ordered life will radically change your life, but only pursue them if you’re willing to do what it takes to make significant progress. These tips are especially relevant for knowledge workers, pastors, or those who work directly with producing ideas. Train yourself to do the following:

  • Do the hard stuff first

  • Exercise daily

  • Don’t read email until after lunch

  • Don’t answer your phone before noon

  • Don’t have an open door policy—it will ruin your life

  • Spend the first four hours of your day praying, reading, studying, and reflecting

  • Plan your week and stick to it, even if you think it might kill you

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Work on these things, and you’ll start to see your fragmented mind experience a new wholeness. Plus, you’ll restore your ability to concentrate. When you open your mouth, what comes out will be more thought out and significantly more important and helpful.

I (Bill) also suggest that you don’t read too much, especially the hip, leading-edge, and really short books out there. Too much reading will actually distract you from knowing anything in depth. You can’t know everything, so ask yourself what you’re called to know. Obey your calling and don’t just half-know your subject. Instead, know it fully and keep digging in the same hole. That way, you’ll learn the secrets of the earth.

All of these things may seem unconnected to discipleship, but this is where it begins—with you. When you become a different kind of person—one who is truly following Jesus with your whole life—you’ll be able to make disciples more easily. If your soul is satisfied and your life is well-ordered, then you’re in a good place. You’ve also set yourself up to resist distraction from the most important work of multiplying disciples.

This was taken from The Discipleship Gospel by Bill Hull and Ben Sobels. Used by permission of HIM Publications. Use code TBP at checkout for a discount when you place your order here.