Minister as Jesus Ministered: Transformed Service (Experience the Life)

Minister as Jesus Ministered: Transformed Service (Experience the Life)


Jesus left His followers with the mandate to make disciples. But ministering to, discipling, others takes commitment and time. How do we go about conducting ministry in a way that produces disciples of Christ? To help others become more like Christ is to serve with the supernatural freedom of self-sacrifice, giving ourselves for others.

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Believe as Jesus Believed: Transformed Mind (Experience the Life)

Believe as Jesus Believed: Transformed Mind (Experience the Life)

Lead as Jesus Led: Transformed Influence (Experience the Life) ETL_Book_5_Mockup-removebg-preview.png

Lead as Jesus Led: Transformed Influence (Experience the Life)

The Character of a Disciple: A Bonhoeffer Project Devotional

The Character of a Disciple: A Bonhoeffer Project Devotional

Experience the Life Series

Experience the Life Series

A Disciple's Guide to Choose the Life

A Disciple's Guide to Choose the Life
